The RIGHT Way to Ask for Feedback

Over the years, I’ve identified a “hack” to accelerate my personal and professional growth. When I tell people what this “hack” is, most of them don’t like it because it comes with a big slice of humble pie. But I guarantee you, it’s the quickest way to improve in all areas of your life.  Wanna […]

4 Reasons Why I Love Working with My Spouse 

I work directly with my spouse. In fact, we’ve worked together for 16 years. And guess what? I love it! Navigating entrepreneurship together has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. Today I want to share why building a business with my spouse is a decision I would make over and over […]

What To Do When You’ve Lost Your Audience’s Attention  

Ever found yourself in front of an audience, be it during a presentation, a coaching session, or while leading a group, only to realize they’ve checked out? Their eyes glazed over, phones in hand, clearly wishing they were anywhere but there. It’s a presenter’s nightmare, but it’s also a pivotal moment that can transform the […]

3 Ways Parenting Made Me a Better Leader 

No books, seminars, coaching programs, or any amount of money could have taught me the leadership lessons I’ve learned from parenting. Yes, parenting! Nothing comes close.   Being a mom of two wonderfully unique boys (aged 4 and 6) has been a crash course in exceptional leadership, and today I want to share three major parenting […]

How I Survive Working with My Spouse (4 Strategies)

Of all people, entrepreneurs are most likely to blur the lines between business and personal life. And if your spouse also happens to be your business partner? Pshhh! The lines blur into oblivion. My husband and I, along with many other entrepreneurial couples, grappled with this challenge head on.   We talked about work at breakfast. […]

One Simple Question to Know If You’re Ready to Launch

Can we please bust the myth of launching already?   Yes, launching a new product or service feels like a daunting endeavor. But there’s this pervasive myth that you need to have everything perfectly aligned before you launch: a stunning website, a massive social media following, an expansive email list, and perhaps even your own podcast.   […]

Your Most Powerful Marketing Asset  

I used to get overwhelmed with all the sizzling hot marketing tactics, channels, and tools that I thought would grow my business. But then I stumbled upon a simple yet effective truth, and it has worked wonders for me. So I want to share this truth with you.   Are you ready for it?  It’s you! […]

The #1 Way To Start Making Money In A New Business Right Now

Startups need cash—and they need it fast. They don’t have time to waste getting lost in the complexities of shiny objects and buzzy marketing tools. Sure, you want to grow your social media following and build fancy sales funnels.   But there’s one strategy that is often overlooked yet incredibly powerful for monetizing your startup. What […]

MORE Isn’t the Answer.

Everywhere you turn there are people racing for MORE customers, MORE sales, MORE everything. This rat race is the water we all swim in.  But what if I told you that the secret to success isn’t necessarily in doing MORE, but doing more of what matters? Essentially, success is about becoming better, not bigger. Look […]

Who You Are vs What You Do

As someone deeply immersed in the world of personal branding, I often come across fascinating facts and figures that make me stop in my tracks. Today, I’m sharing a statistic from Brand Builders Group’s Trends in Personal Branding National Research Study. The Surprising Statistic That Speaks Volumes  Here’s a fact from our study, conducted with […]