3 Hidden Perks of Podcasting I Discovered After Hosting 500+ Episodes

Podcasting has some MAJOR perks. Most of the perks are obvious (e.g. you get to share your ideas, grow your audience, build your personal brand). But there are three surprising perks that are often overlooked and I want to talk about them today. 

Perk #1: Thousands of Dollars’ Worth of Free Training  

One of the biggest hidden perks of podcasting is the incredible amount of free education you receive. As a podcast host, you’re regularly sitting down with experts in various fields and soaking up their knowledge. Over the past five years I’ve hosted the Influential Personal Brand podcast weekly, and if you do the math, that adds up to around 250 hours of free training and consulting. If you value that time at even a modest consulting rate, it’s like I’ve gotten $50,000 worth of expert advice—completely free. 

And that’s just the beginning. I’m able to share these insights with my audience, helping them grow and learn alongside me. Plus, it’s not just as a host—appearing as a guest on other podcasts gives you the same chance to learn from how others run their shows, ask questions, and navigate conversations. 

Podcasting becomes this rich, ongoing education process where every conversation brings new ideas, strategies, and perspectives to the table. And when you’re consistently exposed to high-level thinking, it naturally sharpens your skills as a business owner, speaker, or whatever your role may be. 

Perk #2: Powerful Prospecting  

Podcasting is hands-down one of the best prospecting tools out there. As a podcast host, you’re in the unique position to reach out to people you’d love to connect with, but in a way that doesn’t feel like cold outreach. Instead of pitching someone your services or products right off the bat, you’re inviting them to share their story, expertise, and message on your platform. 

This is HUGE. I’ve had the opportunity to invite people onto the Influential Personal Brand podcast who, under normal circumstances, probably wouldn’t have taken a sales call from me. But when you’re offering them an opportunity to talk about themselves, they’re far more likely to consider your offer because you’re starting the conversation in a non-threatening, value-driven way.  

Over time, that relationship could evolve into a business partnership, a client relationship, or even just a strong network connection. Plus, being a guest on other podcasts works in a similar way. By showcasing your expertise on someone else’s platform, you’re starting a relationship with the host that could lead to bigger opportunities down the line. 

Perk #3: Subtle (Yet Effective) Sales Openers 

Lastly, podcasting offers a brilliant way to open sales conversations without feeling pushy. Whether you’re the guest or the host, you’re spending an hour talking about what you do, how you help others, and the value you bring to the table. That’s essentially a mini sales pitch, but it’s packaged in a way that feels natural because you’re being conversational. 

For example, every time I’m a guest on someone’s podcast, I get to talk about Brand Builders Group and what we do. By the end of the episode, more often than not, the host is curious to learn more about our services. In fact, about 50% of the time the conversation naturally leads to scheduling a follow-up call. 

The same thing happens when I’m the host. Many of my guests will mention at the end of our chat that they’ve checked out the website and want to learn more. It’s like an hour-long conversation provides just enough space for them to get genuinely interested in what we do without any hard sell. 

If you think about it, podcasting is a brilliant sales tool! It’s a soft introduction to what you offer, framed around adding value to someone else. And because the conversation is focused on delivering insights and wisdom, it never feels salesy.  

Ready to Reap These Podcast Rewards? 

When you podcast, you get free education, a powerful prospecting tool, and a metaphorical foot in the door for future sales conversations. So if you’re not podcasting yet, what’s stopping you?  

If you’re curious about how you might use podcasting to build your personal brand and grow your business, schedule a free Brand Strategy Call with my team at Brand Builders Group. We’ve helped hundreds of entrepreneurs launch profitable, purpose-driven podcasts and we’d love to help you too! 

Hey there!

I'm AJ Vaden

I am an entrepreneur, lover of all things creative and very proud boy mom. I am into personal development, spreadsheets and have a weird fascination with taxes. I write and talk on personal branding, entrepreneurship, business and life.  

P.S. I love Jesus, and I talk about my faith a lot. Just know that going in.

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