Keep More of Your Hard-Earned Money with These 3 Strategies

You know how to make money, but do you know how to keep more of that money in your pocket? If you’re like most entrepreneurs, you’re probably not maximizing the amount of money you keep after all the bills are paid. And that means you’re losing money. Not cool.  I want to help you keep […]

Overwhelmed by Instagram? These 3 Simple Tips Might Help

Is Instagram not doing it for you? Maybe you’re overwhelmed by content creation, underwhelmed by low reach, and understandably upset that you’re not getting better results. If you’re nodding your head, then keep reading because today I’m sharing three ideas you can immediately implement to improve your Instagram game (based on my conversation with Chelsea […]

Before You Scale Your Coaching Business, Read THIS. 

As controversial as it sounds, you don’t NEED to scale your coaching business. If you’re happy and comfortable with where your coaching practice is right now, that’s totally okay. But if you’re itching to make a bigger impact in your market, then keep reading because this article has five tips to help you do that.   […]

Struggling To Build Your Coaching Business? 3 Lessons I’ve Learned The Hard Way

Not getting the results you were hoping for in your coaching business? I recently sat down with my friend Minal to talk about the skills required to grow a thriving coaching company. During our conversation (you can listen to it here), I realized there’s a big difference between being an exceptional coach and building an […]

Major Misconceptions in Personal Branding: Let’s Set the Record Straight

A good friend recently sent me a video where someone said they were moving away from their personal brand to focus on building their company’s brand. “Huh?” was my gut reaction. This assertion struck me as odd because you can’t “move away” from your personal brand — it’s inherently part of you. So let’s clear […]

4 Tips that COMPLETELY Changed How I Worked with ChatGPT

Want to get better at using AI to write your copy? Yeah, so do I and millions of other business owners around the world! If you want to get better outputs from ChatGPT, stick around for 10ish minutes to read my top four tips for doing so. (By the way, these tips work for content […]

Not Sure What Your Competitive Advantage Is? Use These 3 Tips to Find Yours

What’s your competitive advantage? After an insightful conversation with a dear friend of mine, David Avrin, I realized many entrepreneurs can’t articulate what gives them an edge. If you’re struggling to define your competitive advantage, keep reading to learn my top three tips to do so.  What Isn’t Your Competitive Advantage  First, let’s clarify what […]

5 Tips to Turn Your Dreams into Dollars 

Are you trying to figure out how to turn your mission (or your message, your passion, your calling, or whatever you like to call it) into the thing that makes you money? Well you’re in the right place! Today, I want to share five insights to build a business that makes the world a better […]

4 Insider Tips to Get Booked on More Stages

When you want to get booked on more stages, it helps to know some insider tips and trends from experts in the speaking business. I recently sat down with Joe Heaps, CMO of eSpeakers, who dished out tons of ‘ahas’ on what to do if you want to grow your speaking business. Here are 4 […]