Do You Run a Membership-based Business? Read This.  

Do you have a membership or community where retention is a key driver in your business? If so, you’re in the right place! Today we’re going to tackle the tricky topic of cancellations and how to handle them with tact.   The Hard Truth About Cancellations  If someone requests to cancel their program with you, you’ve […]

How to Turn Your Audience into a Community 

Before we jump into the meat of today’s article, I want to give you three buckets to categorize this information.   We’re talking about your community, and specifically the community you create in your business. You probably know and recognize the communities in your personal life (church, family, barre3 classes). But what about the communities that […]

How to Write a Children’s Book

Whether you’ve ever or never thought about writing a children’s book, hear me out. Kids shouldn’t have to wait until they’re adults to learn the valuable life lessons you’ve accumulated over the years. Would you consider writing a children’s book and sharing your message with the youngest generation?   If you have even the slightest itch […]

3 Quick Tips to Legally Protect Your Personal Brand 

It’s one thing to HAVE a personal brand. It’s a whole other thing to PROTECT it. After my conversation with Autumn Witt Boyd, founder and owner of the AWB Law Firm, it’s clear that protecting a personal brand is something all content creators need to do.  Before I share three key points from my conversation […]

10 Things Every Entrepreneur Needs to Know About Money

I feel old saying this, but over the past 20 years, I’ve picked up a handful of vital money lessons that have made me a more successful business owner. There are ten lessons specifically that I believe EVERY entrepreneur and small business owner needs to know. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to improve […]

3 Signs You’re Ready to Write a Book

Writing a book is like launching a business. It’s a big deal! And that means the “to book or not to book” decision is a meaty one. So how do you know when it’s the right time to put pen to paper and share your story with the world? Here are three signs you’re ready […]

3 Signs Your Personal Branding Strategy Is Off 

Ever heard of inverse thinking? It’s a decision-making tool that every entrepreneur should have in their toolbox because it gives you a fresh perspective on your stickiest problems. Problems such as “How do I validate my product idea?” or “Why isn’t my audience hiring me?” or the perennial kicker, “What should I do to grow […]

One of the Biggest Mistakes Content Creators Make 

There’s an easy way to waste tons of money as a content creator. And that’s by creating content for the wrong audience on the wrong platform. If you want to use content to monetize your personal brand and reliably drive revenue for your business, then you need a focused strategy that starts (and ends) with […]

Your Best Salesperson Isn’t on Payroll

Your most effective salespeople aren’t the ones you pay. They’re the ones that pay YOU.   What am I talking about? I’m talking about your customers, the people who already use and love your service, and equipping them with the resources they need to sell your offer to their network. When done correctly, your customers can […]

The RIGHT Way to Ask for Feedback

Over the years, I’ve identified a “hack” to accelerate my personal and professional growth. When I tell people what this “hack” is, most of them don’t like it because it comes with a big slice of humble pie. But I guarantee you, it’s the quickest way to improve in all areas of your life.  Wanna […]