If You Want to Get Paid to Speak, Do THIS 

If you’re dreaming about stepping on stage and sharing your message with the world, then here’s a truth that might rattle you: You need to want it so bad that you’d speak for free.  I was recently chatting with the incredible Toni Collier on my podcast, and she said something that’s stuck with me ever […]

4 Things to Know BEFORE You Start Writing Your Book 

If you’re a first-time author, an aspiring author, or even a seasoned author looking to brush up on the essentials, this article is for you.   Earlier this week I was chatting with a friend who’s diving headfirst into the exhilarating, exciting, and extremely gratifying world of book writing. It got me thinking…  Writing a book […]

6 Tips to Create a Story that Resonates with the People You’re Meant to Serve

If you’re a speaker, author, coach, or someone who wants to make an impact with your story, you need a way to turn your “I can’t believe this happened to me” moments into messages that resonate with people.   You need a story with a universal undertone. One that moves your audience into action and connects […]

My #1 Tip to Stand Out on Social Media and Grow Your Brand

Social media is a tool—and a powerful one that you can use to grow your business and community. But if you’re not approaching it from the perspective of building genuine relationships, you’re missing the point. So let’s dive into why this matters, how it applies to your business, and how you can use this mindset […]

You Don’t Need a Visual Identity (Yet)

I’ve got something on my mind that’s been swirling around for the last 15 years. You see, there’s a huge misconception out there about what a personal brand actually is.   Most people assume it’s all about your online presence, your follower count, or your fancy website. Yes, those things are important (I mean, here I […]

Overwhelmed by Instagram? These 3 Simple Tips Might Help

Is Instagram not doing it for you? Maybe you’re overwhelmed by content creation, underwhelmed by low reach, and understandably upset that you’re not getting better results. If you’re nodding your head, then keep reading because today I’m sharing three ideas you can immediately implement to improve your Instagram game (based on my conversation with Chelsea […]

Major Misconceptions in Personal Branding: Let’s Set the Record Straight

A good friend recently sent me a video where someone said they were moving away from their personal brand to focus on building their company’s brand. “Huh?” was my gut reaction. This assertion struck me as odd because you can’t “move away” from your personal brand — it’s inherently part of you. So let’s clear […]

3 Quick Tips to Legally Protect Your Personal Brand 

It’s one thing to HAVE a personal brand. It’s a whole other thing to PROTECT it. After my conversation with Autumn Witt Boyd, founder and owner of the AWB Law Firm, it’s clear that protecting a personal brand is something all content creators need to do.  Before I share three key points from my conversation […]

3 Signs Your Personal Branding Strategy Is Off 

Ever heard of inverse thinking? It’s a decision-making tool that every entrepreneur should have in their toolbox because it gives you a fresh perspective on your stickiest problems. Problems such as “How do I validate my product idea?” or “Why isn’t my audience hiring me?” or the perennial kicker, “What should I do to grow […]

One of the Biggest Mistakes Content Creators Make 

There’s an easy way to waste tons of money as a content creator. And that’s by creating content for the wrong audience on the wrong platform. If you want to use content to monetize your personal brand and reliably drive revenue for your business, then you need a focused strategy that starts (and ends) with […]