AJ’s Takeaways: The Psychology of Money 

Have you ever considered the deep-seated emotions and psychology driving your financial decisions? In my latest read, “The Psychology of Money” by Morgan Housel, I’ve unearthed some groundbreaking insights that reshaped my understanding of money, success, and the risks we often unknowingly take. Here’s why this book is a must-read and how it can transform […]

My Content is too Light, how do I add More Substance?

As a content creator in the dynamic world of personal branding, it’s crucial to strike a balance between being engaging and being informative. A common hurdle I’ve noticed, especially in social media circles, is creating content that resonates deeply with potential customers. If you’ve ever felt your content is skimming the surface and lacks the […]

Top 3 Reasons Why Most Personal Brands Don’t Survive

Today we’re diving into a critical topic that affects not just personal brands but virtually any kind of entrepreneurial venture. If you’re struggling to lift off or sustain your brand, you’ll want to stick around because we’re talking about the top three reasons most personal brands don’t make it. And let’s be honest, you can […]

What is a Personal Brand?

Debunking Common Misconceptions “What is a personal brand?” is a question I hear all the time. The reason I get asked this question so much is that many people misunderstand what a personal brand really is. They associate it with influencers, social media, or digital marketing strategies. Let’s clear the air: a personal brand is […]

What Should I Charge for or Give Away for Free?

The New Age Dilemma: Content Everywhere, Yet What to Charge For? In a world abundant with free content and information, we find ourselves in a paradox. Sure, you can Google your way to almost any piece of information you desire, but what should you, as an entrepreneur, thought leader, or brand builder, charge for? Is […]

Conquering Imposter Syndrome

Today I want to tackle a topic that affects many of us in our personal and professional lives: Imposter Syndrome.  Yes, the nagging feeling that we don’t quite measure up, that we’re just faking it, and that we’ll be exposed as frauds at any moment. Imposter Syndrome is that (untrue) inner voice that whispers, “You’re not […]

Giving Up Alcohol

I want to share something deeply personal and transformative that has been a game-changer in my life: my decision to stop drinking.

The Importance of Niching Down

The coaching industry is undergoing a transformation.  According to recent research, it is the second fastest-growing industry in the world. It’sprojected to reach an incredible market share of $20 billion this year, with the highest growth observed in niche services! So, what does this mean for you as a coach, trainer, speaker, or consultant? The Rise of Niche Services  General terms […]

Unleashing the Power of Marketing Assets: The Ultimate Sales Booster

Have you ever wondered what truly influences customers’ purchase decisions? Well, get ready for some eye-opening insights! At Brand Builders Group, we embarked on an exciting national research study in collaboration with The Center for Generational Kinetics. Our goal? Uncover the secrets of personal branding and its impact on purchasing decisions. And boy, did we […]

Unleashing Greatness: Moving from Good to Exceptional

In the pursuit of success, many individuals settle for being good at what they do. They find comfort in mediocrity, never fully realizing their true potential. But what sets apart the truly remarkable individuals from the rest is their relentless pursuit of greatness. So, today let’s talk about the importance of transcending “good” and stepping […]